Sunday, June 30, 2013

Some Of My Artwork

Teddy Bear

Little Yellow Tweet Tweet.

Happy Feet Penguin.

Teddy Collage

Pot O'Gold

Purple Hands

Red Handed

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Arianna's Birthday

Today we went to the park to celebrate Arianna's 2nd birthday.  She had a bounce house, just like last year.  I've come accustomed of there being bounce houses at birthday parties.  I only expect the best.  I've even gotten to the point where I think there will be a bounce house at any person's house we go to, birthday party or not.  

I'm drawing on my elephant mask.  (Paawoo)

Your hair is pretty.

Bounce house fun.

Daddy, what'ca thinking about?

This bounce house had a crazy fast slide.   

Can't wait until Arianna's 3rd birthday.  

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Check Out My New Hat

I got a new hat a couple weekends ago, and we finally got a couple pictures of me wearing it.  

Daddy are you taking my picture?

Hi there.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Chalk Art

Daddy did some more chalk art, and really wanted to post it.  He got pretty excited when he brought home some new chalk with 48 different colors.  Don't worry Mommy has some of her art coming soon. 

Mike Wazowski

Sayler dancing with Mike.  

Monday, June 17, 2013

Wild And Crazy Night

I think this was right before bath time.  I'm not to sure what I was all pumped up from, but I was having a great time dancing naked.  


Practicing my ballerina moves.  

I'm not even sure what to say 
about this picture.  

This is a Goofy pose.  

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Snoozing At Dinner

Here are a couple videos of me falling asleep at dinner on Father's Day.  I just couldn't keep my eyes open.   It was a long and awesome day, especially since I didn't take a nap.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I'm just putting on the finishing touches to the pigeon.  Remember 
don't let the pigeon drive the bus.