Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sloane Eating Solids For The First Time

Sloane was finally well enough to try solid food for the first time.  It also helped that we had enough free time tonight to feed her some.  Everything is a process these days.  We have to find the right day with the right amount of time to get her dinner.  

Sloane liked the rice ceral, but she 
insisted on taking the spoon in her own hands.   

I'll take that.

Please don't judge me. 

Wow, this stuff is really good.  


See, I told you I was all about
feeding myself.  

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Baking A Cake With Mommy

I helped Mommy bake and decorate a cake today.  No, it wasn't my birthday, nor Sloanes.   It was just a beautiful day that was perfect for baking.   

At first I was scared of the mixer, but I quickly learned it was
safe to use.  

Daddy told me that eating the batter off of the beaters was 
one of the best things in life.   

I had to make sure to spread the mix evenly.   

Lucky me, I got to ice the cake myself.  

Spreading the icing. 

Sprinkles, sprinkles, and more sprinkles.  

I was supervising Sayler's work.  
And the verdict was meh.

Sloane Trying to Rollover

Here I'm trying to rollover.  Despite the video, I do really know how to rollover.  It just hasn't been caught on video yet.  Plesase stand by for my first video of me rolling over.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Daddy, happy birthday.  You're the number 1 Daddy in all the world.  Thanks for protecting us.  Thanks for teaching us funny things.  Thanks for being silly.  Especially, thanks for being awesome. 

Happy birthday Daddy, and some cake.  

Daddy and his girls.  

What's that over there?

Awe! It's a monster coming to get us.  

Sweet love.  


Daddy thought it was time to bring up the bounce-a-roo because he saw how high I was bouncing, and how happy I was in the bounce-a-roo at school.  

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sloane 5 months

Throw your hands in the air, Sloane is 5 months old today!

I get the feeling that Sayler might be missing her old photo shoots...
and her ol' pal, Patches

Look how well I'm sitting up now!

Don't mind me, just working a little stretch in.  All this photo
taking is making me cramp up.

Whadda' ya say Patches, shall we call it a wrap? 
See you all next time!

Disney Chalk Art

Today was an unusually nice day out for February, so Mommy and I made the most of it and broke out the chalk.  These were some of Mommy's best creations.

Minnie Mouse!  I love Minnie.

Well, Garsh...it's Goofy!
(This was my favorite).

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Snowewicz's

Daddy and I made our snowmen family.  There's Mommy, Sloaney, Daddy, and me.  Daddy even made a snow kitty (not pictured).   I got to cold before he could take a picture that included the snow kitty.  

For some reason I kept on stabbing snow Daddy with the carrot nose.  

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Reading Time

Me and Daddy getting a little quality reading time in.  
Turns out, I like books just like my big sis!

Check this out Daddy!