Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mount Falcon Park

We took Mimi and Grandpa on a hike in the mountains today.  Well actually it was only the foothills.  It was such an easy hike, Sloane chilled in the stroller the whole time.  Well it should have been easy enough.  For some reason I wanted to be held the entire time.  I might have walked 20 yards.   I was pouting the entire time. We hiked down this nice path, and I pouted.  We saw castle ruins, and I pouted.  I had some snacks and I pouted.  It wasn't until the last few yards when I started to have fun.  

Grandpa & Mimi and the gang.  Well most of the gang, I was turned backwards, 
and Sloaney was in her stroller.  

Grandpa really wanted to have 
Daddy hang from this branch.  For some
reason he thought it would be cool.  

Daddy hung as long as he could 
until the pain was too much.  

It kinda looks like Harper is directing traffic when she is really popping bubbles.  

Mommy and Daddy got a good photo on top of the mountain.  Of course, I
was pouting, again.  

A cheese stick helped ease my pouting for a 
little while.  

Mommy wanted a photo with me, but.....

A photo from earlier on the hike.  I was the 
sassy granddaughter.  Sloaney was enjoying a bottle at the time. 

This one was a little better.  

Grandpa and his proud pose on top of the hill.  Wait until he does a
real Colorado mountain hike.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Random Picture Day with Sloane

Mommy thought I was looking extra special cute this morning, so she decided to an impromptu photo shoot.  
Good morning everybody!  Who's the cutest?  I am!

I'm the cutest fox in the world.  

Sloane ???? Weeks

Another week and another photo session.  Daddy is a little off on how many weeks old I am these days.  He said that there are a bunch of back posts that he needs to fill in.  This week should mark my 7 month birthday.  Who knows maybe this is my 7 month photo. 

Hi everyone!  Lets get this party started. 

Everyone says I'm such a happy baby.  

Nothing can keep me down.  I just want to bounce 
all around.  

Sissy wanted to join me for a picture.  

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Easter Eggs

Yes, it's finally Easter Egg dying time.  I have been waiting for
weeks to dye some eggs. 

How many eggs do we have to color?

Yeah Mommy!

How long do we have to wait?

Mommy, I got it.  

We're doing the Easter Egg dance.  

I love my sister.  

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sloane Is Standing

We would like to announce that Sloane has reached a major milestone.

Looks who standing up all by herself.
  Well she's actually using the couch for support.  

Shake that booty!

It was family fun day at the park. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014