Friday, May 16, 2014

Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

It was unseasonably cold this weekend and we got snow that 
started Mother's Day and ended with 7 inches of snow the next day. 

Do you want to build a snowman?

Here, let me give you a carrot nose. 

Finished snowman, actually the day after 
Mother's Days snowman.
(Mommy did all the work)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Oh hi.  I'm more than ready to crawl any day.  I just can't quite figure it out. 

Sloaney and Me and Sisters

I know my sister loves me, and thought it was worth some time to 
show every one that she truely does love me.  

Sayler and I were holding hands before dinner.  It always 
great to know Sayler loves me. 

Our bound is never broken.  

Um, Sayler I thought your crazy expressions were 
funny then they really are.