Friday, August 22, 2014

Ear Tubes For Sloane

This morning we had an appointment at the hospital for Sloane to get tubes put into her ears.  It was an early morning but everything when smooth and quickly.  Sloane got a little sick once we started driving home though.  No big deal...she was back to her happy self shortly afterwards.  

I wasn't scared since I had one of my buddies with me (and Mommy).  


I don't know what was so big about Sloane getting ear tubes.  I thought it was great
because I kept on getting toys from the hospital workers.  

This is me playing with Flappers, my new stuffed 
animal bird.  

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Park Time With Mommy

We had a quick visit to a park after Mommy got some blood drawn from her.   I told her not to worry about the needles and that it was just like a tattoo, and nothing to worry about. 

I'm riding a ladybug.  I think I should invite Sloane. 

Sloane, welcome aboard. 

Sloane it looks like you are on TV.  

 I tried the tire swing for the first time. 

Sayler, I know the notes, it goes like this.  

Sister Hugs

Just a quick sister hug. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Princess And Fairy Tales

Sloane and I took some pre-party photos.  We got our princess fairy 
outfits on for some fun.    

Pinch me Sayler, I'm not sure if this is a dream.  

Uh, Mommy I wished Sloane to disappear and she's 
still here.  

No I wish you away!

We're still both here.  

I'm a princess!

I'm an angel princess. 

I don't want to be a princess any more.  

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Happy Birthday Philip

Today we headed down the street for Philip's birthday at the park.  It's become an annual tradition for him to have his party there.  I was so excited to see him again.

Nothing like a good train ride to reunite and bond again.
Though, at first Philip wasn't sure if he wanted to hug me.
Hug her!

He hugged me!

Then for some reason it became a little awkward.  

Then this guy ruined our chances.  

Friday, August 8, 2014


We made a quick trip down the street to see the fireworks for Western Welcome Week.  We found a prime parking spot one a couple blocks away from the show.  We picked the same spot as last year right next to the pond.   It's cool because the fireworks are right over you and you can see them in the reflection of the pond.  

Wow!  This is awesome.  


Some videos to show you how close they were to us.  

The looks in our faces was priceless.  

More fireworks!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sloane = Nom Nom Nom.

I've been loving food more and more each day.  My favorites have been mac n' cheese and turkey slices.  Today Mommy gave me blueberry yogurt covered pretzels.  I guess it was a sample for our birthday party.  

It didn't take long for me to get blue all over my face.  


Is there any yummy on my fingers?

Nom, nom, nom.

What there isn't any more?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Everything is Awesome!

We spent most of the day playing around the house.  Mommy took the kitties to the vet, while Daddy worked on the sandbox.  We took a little time off to look at a Lego city.  Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship!!!

Lord Business.  

Can you spy Wyldstyle in the crowd.  

Who you gonna call?...Ghostbusters! 

Carnival time in Lego town.  

They even had The Simpson's.  


This was a Lego ice castle.  

Just Darth Vader cruising around with Spider Man.  

Where is my head?

The famous double decker couch.  

It's Metal Beard himself.  

Friday, August 1, 2014

Monkey Business.

We went to a different Monkey business today.  It wasn't as nice as the Lone Tree Monkey Business for us little kids.  We still had loads of fun.  Sloane learned her love for bounce houses.

Whoa, how do I crawl on this thing? 

I'm bouncing all over the place.  

This is so much fun.  

Sayler, why didn't you tell me bounce houses were so much fun?!  

I guess I like tunnels too. 

Sayler Sliding down the slide.