Saturday, June 27, 2015

Way To Go Mommy!

Mommy finally ran her half marathon today.  She has been training for this race for the past couple months by going on long runs when ever she had the chance.  It might have been an excuse to get away from us for a while.  We were all proud of Mommy for running this race.  Daddy said that there was no way he would have been able to run it.  Mommy was a little nervous when we left her, but we knew she wouldn't have a problem.  We wished Mommy good luck and piled into the car to play at the park, eat donuts and cheer Mommy on.  We really liked the donuts.  The park was really cool, so time flew by, before we knew it Mommy was around the corner coming in.  

We got into our positions cheering on all the racers as we ate donuts.  I know kinda unfair.  We made the best posters, so good other dads were jealous.  We saw Mommy down the street and got really excited, we ran up to her and gave her hugs (Sloane wanted Mommy to hold her!).  We were so excited that we wanted to finish the race with her.   This wasn't the best idea, so Daddy ran as fast as he could for two blocks then we eventually caught up with Mommy at the finish line.

We asked Mommy if she won...she said "no", but we think she did!  

The most amazing part was that Mommy was ready to go onto our next adventure later that afternoon. 

We had to give Mommy love so she could win this race.  

Mommy gave us a thumbs up 
right before we drove away.  

Mommy at the starting line.  
Run fast Mommy!

Nom...Nom.  Nom
Just waiting for this race to start. 

While we were eating donuts, Mommy was enjoying the view, running alongside 2200 other runners!

We enjoyed a little play time at the park while we were waiting for Mommy.
I loved the tire swing the most.  

I was busy at work making a sign for Mommy.

I was working hard also.  

Practice cheering time.

Donut break.   

It was time for the real deal after our donut break to 
cheer Mommy on.
People laughed at my sign.  Hee Hee.

At home we tried on Mommy's race shirt...this is me showing Mommy how I'd run really can barely see me, I'm so fast!

Go Mommy Go!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Daddy's Day Weekend 2015

Happy Daddy's Day!

I love you Daddy

On the way to Lookout Mountain.  

There was a deer on the side of the road saying Hi, to us.  

Um Sayler, you're squishing me.  

Don't tell Sloaney what I'm doing to her.  

Monday, June 1, 2015

Sayler's Last Day of Preschool 2015

Today marked the last day of my first year of preschool!  Kind of a big accomplishment.  I've grown so much this year...Mommy says both in height and knowledge!  I've made lots of new friends at school and learned a lot (including Spanish - which I love teaching my family...they can't tell if I'm making
words up or not)!

 A little side by side comparison of my last and first day of preschool
(Mommy apologizes for the quality of the photos)
But, as you can see I've grown lots!  I've even re-thought my career path a little!