Monday, August 31, 2015


Not the clearest photo, but funny to say the least.  Just some fun times at Target.  

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Little Pony

As Mommy would say...So, this happened!
We went to Build-a-Bear and with my sweet talk, hugs and kisses I actually talked Mommy into letting me build something!  I didn't build a bear as the name would suggest, but I built my very own My Little Pony, Princess Celestia. Complete with music and a heartbeat!
Mommy said this was my special back to school present!  Yay for School!
Mommy is going to surprise Sloane and take her there one of these days as well 
(but, don't tell Sloane)!

I was helping place my Ponies heart inside after rubbing it in my hand so it would be warm-hearted:)

After building my pony, she needed a little cleaning as all new babies do on their birthday!

Washing off the soap

 Brushing my pretty Pony

 To finish off the last day of summer before school and an awesome day with Mommy...ICE CREAM!

and OF COURSE silly faces!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Potty Training

I've been working on using the big girl potty, and my big sis has been helping teach me!

Even while potty training, it's important to look stylish and always wear your shades!

Trying out my new big girl undies...not quite ready to wear them solo.  But, I did enjoy wearing them over top of my pajamas!

Sayler got me a pretty good set up, with a "table" and book!

She read a funny story to me, to help me relax:)

She provided me with encouragement, and even tried to help hum...push!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dress up

Tonight Mommy caught us in her closet...We were just trying a few things on!


I wanted my ensemble to be a surprise for Mommy...
I may or may not be hiding her shoes behind my back!

Ta-da!  Buddy the Fox makes a perfect accessory.

Yoga pants with ballet flats are totally on trend this year!

Strike a pose!
You can never go wrong with a shirt dress:)

I'm a model...if you know what i mean...
I do my little turn on the catwalk!

We may need a little more practice on our heels!