Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everybody!!!  
Don't worry I didn't stay up to celebrate, but I did wake up right at midnight to say happy new year to Mommy and Daddy, then went back to bed.  The family stayed in since Mommy was sick with the flu.  Daddy watched some TV downstairs while Mommy and me went to bed early.
Can't wait for my first full year.  Here's to 2012!
Here are some of my new years resolutions: (no particular order)
  1. Crawl.
  2. Eat something besides milk.
  3. Eat something I'm not supposed to. 
  4. Get my first tooth.
  5. Sit up without my Bumbo or other help.
  6. Do Patty Cake with my Mommy.
  7. Make some new friends my age.
  8. Walk.
  9. Play in my jumper without standing on any pillows.
  10. Roll over from my back to my tummy. 
  11. Get a pony tail. (I don't have control over my hair growing or not)
  12. Give my Daddy a thumbs up maybe give him a fist pump. 
  13. Say my first word.  (anyone want to start a pool on what that word will be?)
  14. Read more books

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