Thursday, May 5, 2011

My First Post

Hello everybody.  I figured it was time for me introduce myself.  I am the new baby Buglewicz.  I can't say that I know too much yet because I am only 20 weeks old, but I am going to be a bright kid.  I have been living in my mommy's tummy growing into a healthy baby.  I was giving her a hard time the first 12 weeks of my life.  Recently I have been trying to take it easy on her, and only making her feel icky every once and a while.  (hee hee hee)

Tomorrow sounds like a big doctors appointment for me.  It appears that my parents are taking me in for my 20 week ultrasound.  This is a big checkup where they find out that I am a.......
......I guess they want a surprise so they aren't going to find out if I am a girl or a boy.  I totally know what I am.  Zip it, lock it, keep it in my pocket.

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