Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hide and Seek

Just a little game I like to play with Mommy and Daddy, Hide and Seek (Ducky likes to play with me as well)!  Betcha' can't find us!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

10 Weeks

I have done so many things in my short life.  I've learned to smile, and I giggle in my sleep.  I dressed up as a lady bug, and went searching for my Halloween pumpkin.   I have enjoyed my time with mommy.  She has taught me so much stuff, and she makes me smile morning, day, and night.   I got to go on my first vacation to Nebraska.  I have seen so much family, with so much more to met. 

Huh, I wonder what week 10 brings me.

Happiness check.

Cute Smirk, Check!

Waving, Check...Hi everybody!

I'm a little nervous about this tutu.

Tutu cute.

Knock knock.

Practicing my ballet dance moves

Now this is tutu cute! 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday Viral Video

So, I'm not too sure if I am posting too many pop songs.  I know I want to post popular songs of the year, but maybe I need to start branching out into different genres.  Maybe I need to find a country song or some indie music.  Of course it needs to be age appropriate. 

This song is Lady Gaga's You and I.   My uncle Map said that this song is about Nebraska.  I felt it was a fitting song because of my first visit to Nebraska.  My dad wouldn't let me post her real video, because it was kinda racy.

How does Lady Gaga like her meat? RA RA RA RARARA.  Hahaha, I'm a comedian already! 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Going Back to Nebraska

Turkey day is upon us, and the family is taking its first vacation together.  We are road tripping it to Nebraska to see where Mommy and Daddy grew up, and met.  Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks and to be with family, so that's our plan.  I met so many new people. 

Awh, the good life.

My Uncle Map, at least that is what Harper calls him. 
His name is actually Matt.

Is uncle Map going to drop me?

Brother and Sister.

Grandpa and me hanging out in the recliner. 
Grandpa where's your smile?

The happy family on Thanksgiving. 
Dad looks really excited for turkey. 

Cousin time!  So, glad we could all get together.  I love them (Harper, Tenley, Liam, Jaxson, Maida, and Kaelee) all already! 

Look it's Great Grandpa and Grandma Mitchell. 

Somebody still excited about Turkey.  I believe Daddy referred to this as "getting large"...he made us do this a bunch of times! 

Hey, this guy kind of looks like my daddy!  But, it's Uncle Ed and I like him already!  My Cousin Brendan looks pretty entertained in the background...he's probably just anxious to hold me.

My cousins Brendan, and Erin.  Erin didn't want to hold me this time around...but, I'm pretty sure I'll grow on her, I mean look at me! 

Me and Aunt Cheri

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

9 Weeks

Boy time is flying fast.  I already been through one holiday, and I have another one right around the corner.  Thanksgiving is just a couple days away.  All of us are driving to Nebraska to visit more family.  Hope the drive goes smooth.  

Happy baby or baby trying to poo?

Sitting up like a big girl.

I'm going to pinch you

God bless me. 

I wonder if patches can try my owl hat sometime? 
Well bye bye for now. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

8 Weeks

I decided to bring purple back.  I am already setting trends, and I'm only 8 weeks old. 

Hippity Hop

Look at this cute dress, it's got polka-a-dots. 

Patty cake, patty cake. 

Burr, it was getting cold, so I decided to put on a sweater. 

Are we done?!  See you all again in Week 9!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friday Viral Video

This video is of a little girl singing Nicki Minaj's song "Super Bass", and it's super awesome (in my opinion, girl power)!  Someday I hope to sing a song like her that gets so much attention that I get invited to the Ellen Degeneres show like she did (Mommy loves her show)!!  Just wait...there are great things to come from me - I may even be a super star!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm almost 2 months old

Next week is a big one for me.  I will be 2 months old.  I can't believe how the time flies when you are eating every 3-4 hours.  (hee hee).  I just noticed that this is my first photo shoot in 7 weeks that I only wore one outfit.  I am slightly embarrassed.  I must have been fussy or Mommy didn't have time to do a change. 

Happy baby. 

Here I am learning to suck my thumb. 

They call this the "deer in headlights" look. 

I was a little limp wristed today. 

Well I'm done for the day, time to hang with my best friend.  I love Patches. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Take a look in a book...

Today Mommy and I had reading time.  She read me four whole books, though I really only stayed awake for about two of them!   I mean, I was listening with my eyes closed (of course)!

This book was a Charley Harper book, and had very cool artsy pictures...i'm pretty sure i've already got a creative eye for that kind of stuff :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Viral Video

Hahaha I thought this video was hilarious.  Look at the cute little kitty, and its got a catchy tune.  Not sure why the kitty has a poptart body, but...It would be even better if it was a double rainbow.  

Make sure you watch the entire video for a special surprise at the end.  It won't work it you cheat and skip to the end.

Play Time!

Mommy & Daddy Introduced me to my cool play mat recently, it helps me hold my head up so I can get really strong.  As you can see I'm pretty much a champ at it.

...but, sometimes I get a little tired and need a rest!

Check out this cool mirror...that's me!  Lookin' good, huh?

Thought i'd roll over to my back, and check out the cool toys hanging above me...I love play time and look forward to more of it!

I just wanted to show you guys that I like to play in style..don't you just love my skirt and tights?!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

6 Weeks Old

Well another week brings another photo shoot.  I can't believe how big I am getting.  Patches doesn't have anything over me anymore. 
Can you give me a couple more minutes, I haven't gotten all my beauty sleep yet


OK, I'm ready.

Excuse me is this a cardigan or a pullover?

Look how cute I am.

Good bye for now.