Thursday, November 24, 2011

Going Back to Nebraska

Turkey day is upon us, and the family is taking its first vacation together.  We are road tripping it to Nebraska to see where Mommy and Daddy grew up, and met.  Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks and to be with family, so that's our plan.  I met so many new people. 

Awh, the good life.

My Uncle Map, at least that is what Harper calls him. 
His name is actually Matt.

Is uncle Map going to drop me?

Brother and Sister.

Grandpa and me hanging out in the recliner. 
Grandpa where's your smile?

The happy family on Thanksgiving. 
Dad looks really excited for turkey. 

Cousin time!  So, glad we could all get together.  I love them (Harper, Tenley, Liam, Jaxson, Maida, and Kaelee) all already! 

Look it's Great Grandpa and Grandma Mitchell. 

Somebody still excited about Turkey.  I believe Daddy referred to this as "getting large"...he made us do this a bunch of times! 

Hey, this guy kind of looks like my daddy!  But, it's Uncle Ed and I like him already!  My Cousin Brendan looks pretty entertained in the background...he's probably just anxious to hold me.

My cousins Brendan, and Erin.  Erin didn't want to hold me this time around...but, I'm pretty sure I'll grow on her, I mean look at me! 

Me and Aunt Cheri

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