Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Highlight Video

Please take a couple moments to enjoy these highlight videos of 2013.  I mean this was the year of Sloane!  I can't wait to see what 2014 brings me.  Sayler said that I have to come up with some New Year resolutions.  Those are things that I plan on accomplishing in the year.  I have big plans.  

Sorry, I still need to figure these videos out.  Please stand bye.  

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Videos

Here are some crazy videos from Christmas 2013.  Alright most of them are of me opening presents, 
not too crazy.

Christmas 2013

It was another great Christmas.  I'm truely blesesed to have such great loving parents who have an in with Santa.  Thank you everyone for all the great gifts.  Thanks Mimi for all the wounderful presents.  You're the best.   Photo's were kinda sparse this Christmas, since we did a lot of videos for Christmas. The increase of vidoes is because  Daddy got inspired to do videos from watching old time videos from Great Grandpa Chuck's house.

First photo of me ripping open a present.  

I think this is a photo of my trying on some
snowman glasses.  

Here Mommy this one is for you.  

Opening more presents at the cousins.  

Wow a nail kit, with real nail polish.  

Family Photo.  

Sunday, December 15, 2013

St. Nick

Sloaney and I went to see Santa today.  It was Sloane's first time visiting the big man, and she handled it like a champ.  I remember my first time sitting on Santa's lap like it was yesterday.  I didn't even cry a bit that first time.  I wonder what Sloane asked for?

Hi Santa.  I want my Mommy (yep, I locked up!).  


I meant to tell Santa that I wanted a puppy guitar, but all I could 
say is my Mommy.  

Yeah, it's snowing!

I'm ready to get out of here. 

Christmas perfection!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Carriage Ride

We went down the street to a mall to get a free carriage ride around the parking lot today.  The horse's name was Queen.  I liked to call her Queenie.  It was a warm Saturday in the middle of winter

Family selfie, minus Sloane.  

Don't worry guys, I took my own selfie.  

We had to show shots of Minnie and me.  You see Mommy said that I could bring one of my stuffed animals along for the ride.  We were all in a whirlwind trying to pack up for the day, and were out the door before you knew it.  It wasn't until we pulled in the parking lot before I realized I left Minnie at home.  Daddy didn't hesitate and turned around to pick up Minnie.  In the end it was best that we got her.  

My First Snowman

Hello Fuddles the snowman.  Hey you look so cute 
with your hat, scarf, and gloves.  

Just me and my snowman.

I was done watching Mommy make the 
snowman, so I thought it was time to do 
some winter swinging.  

I decided to roll up my sleves, since it 
was so warm outside.  

I really just wanted to play with 
the snow like it was sand.  

This was the finished product. Mr. Fuddles.  Beautiful use of the 
scarf, hat, and gloves.  

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sloaney Tummy Time

Look at this.  A little tummy time, and my head is way up. 

Look at me keeping my head up.   

Monday, December 9, 2013

Twelve Weeks

Hi everyone.  It's been a while since I had a post on here.  I've been doing a lot of growing, and will have to make sure that I catch up on my posts.  Mommy has been working with me and my tummy time.  She's been impressed with how well I've been able to lift my head.  I'm even getting good at sitting up in the bumbo all by myself.  Watch out Sayler I'll be crawling around this house in no time.  

Hi guys!  How have you been?


Patches is starting to look small.  

Gingerbread House

Today Mommy and I made a gingerbread house while Sloane was taking a nap.  It was fun, but I got a little aggressive with the house.
Hmm, gum drops or candy canes
So many candies to choose from, so many photos of joy.
 Opps, I didn't do it.
Mommy was able to fix it while I took a nap, and
this is the finished product.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Tree

 The family took a quick trip to pick out a Christmas tree.  Daddy set up the tree while I was napping, and got it ready for the ornaments.  I was satisfied with just hanging a handful of ornaments before I was done.   Mommy had to do the rest, even though she said she doesn't like hanging ornaments because the branches are so weak.  Mommy did a great job finishing the tree, and it looks ready for Santa's presents.

Jingle Bells

It was fun to put the ornaments on
our Christmas tree.  I can't wait until next
year when Sloaney can help. 

Thanks for helping me with the high branches Mommy.  

I have the Christmas star.  


Out of the blue I asked to go outside to play in the snow.  This was a shock to Mommy and Daddy since I never wanted anything to do with the snow in the past.  I was young and naive in my early years.  Of course I picked one of the coldest days of my lifetime.  Daddy said it was about 5 degrees that day, so Daddy only let me be out for 15 minutes before it was time to come in.  I can't wait for warmer days in the snow.
I'm ready for the cold.

Trekking through about five inches of snow. 
It wasn't really snowing.   

A couple of snow bunnies.  

 Daddy and me. 

I really wanted to play with
the snow like it was sand. 
I could have stayed out here
for hours. 

Sliding down the mountain. 


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nebraska Style

It was road trip time to Nebraska.  This was the first time we piled into the family truckster for a drive across a fourth of the country.  Besides getting out of the house an hour or so late, the drive was flawless.  We had a couple of stops when Sloane had to eat.  Besides that it was a great trip were I got to have snackie poos, and watch movies on the iPad the whole time.  It was straight to playing with the cousins, since they were already at Mimi's house when we got to Nebraska.  It was great to play with them off and on over a couple days.  I even took to my Kansas City cousins really well.  Especially Kaelee, she was super cool.  I love hanging out with family.  

Mommy and Daddy were able to go out and about the town a couple of times.  Uncle Justin graciously gave them his football tickets after half time.  Not sure how gracious it was, because the Huskers were a dud, and lost the game.  Still, I think it was good for them to get out and have some drinks.   The next night they hung out with some of their old school friends while Sloane and I stayed with Mimi and Grandpa.  The rest of the time was kinda chill.  Again always great seeing family.    

Uncle Matt sure was excited to 
hold me.  

Then I came and was eyeing Uncle Matt's hat.  
Get it Sayler!

Zwoinks, I got your hat.  

Cuddle time with Uncle Matt.  There sure were a lot of photos of 
Uncle Matt to start the trip.  

Mimi had some cuddle time with the granddaughters
while watching a Charlie Brown's Christmas. 

Hey Foster, do you want to be friends?

Look at these expressions.  

Best buddies.  
 Grandpa and Mimi with all their grandchildren.  

Boy, we wouldn't stay still.  

Quick family photo, too bad you can't 
see Daddy's mustache.  

 Oh Harper, you're doing such a great job holding me.  

Sloaney and great grandpa Mitchell.  

Just me riding this firetruck.  

Everyone wanted to hold Sloaney.  

Sloane and I didn't think a still photo would give this crew justice.  

The cousin crew.  

I was showing everyone my break dancing moves.  

Kaelee was trying some of my moves.  

The next morning was the Husker game, and it started 
a little rough for Daddy.  

Not really, but he did get this
awesome mustache photo with Foster. 

We're ready for the game.  Well at least I am.  

Daddy was excited to be at a Husker game.  

Daddy thought I would enjoy the 
Husker Power chant.

This is the house Daddy lived in when 
he met Mommy.  

To infinity and beyond.  

Move out of the way, I'm all hopped up on yogi bits, and haven't
taken a nap today.  

Sayler it was great to be in a picture 
with you.  

This mall playground was kinda cool. 

Daddy, Mommy can totally see my butt.  

This mall was awesome, because it had a carousel.  

Just us ladies riding on the carousel.  

Mimi and I were playing with Koda in the backyard.

Don't worry Grandpa, I don't bite.  

Mimi you're the best.  

We'll miss you Mimi.