Sunday, December 8, 2013


Out of the blue I asked to go outside to play in the snow.  This was a shock to Mommy and Daddy since I never wanted anything to do with the snow in the past.  I was young and naive in my early years.  Of course I picked one of the coldest days of my lifetime.  Daddy said it was about 5 degrees that day, so Daddy only let me be out for 15 minutes before it was time to come in.  I can't wait for warmer days in the snow.
I'm ready for the cold.

Trekking through about five inches of snow. 
It wasn't really snowing.   

A couple of snow bunnies.  

 Daddy and me. 

I really wanted to play with
the snow like it was sand. 
I could have stayed out here
for hours. 

Sliding down the mountain. 


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