Wednesday, February 20, 2013

17 Months

Things are starting to pick up again as the weather gets a little nicer.  I had a couple birthday parties to go to since my last photo shoot.  I really enjoyed the jungle gym bus my friend Avery had for her  B-day (pictures to come).   I skipped the Super Bowl, because I was sad my Broncos lost in the playoffs.  My hair has been coming in nicely, but it is starting to grow in a rat tail (just like Daddy), but mine is curly. 

I discovered a new love for mirrors.  I always see this cute little toddler when I look into them.  I like to talk and sing to this toddler.  Sometimes I try to kiss the mirror, then I realize it was me the whole time.  We had a great weekend for Daddy's B-day.  I love hanging out with family. 

I'm ready for my 17 month photos. 

Hum, No Daddy I don't know what they call a cow with no legs.  

 Groundbeef?  I don't get it. 

I decided to play with some of my other stuffed animals. 
Still working on my friendship with Patches. 

Just joking I still love Patches, but I don't love headbands any more. 

Good bye everyone. 

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