Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I Wear My Sunglasses To Daycare

After a long search, I finally found sunglasses I like.  

Check me out.  I'm blocking the rays with my sunglasses.  

Monday, May 27, 2013

Cousin Band

One of my new year resolution was to start a band with my cousins. 

Owen was on the drums, I was on the piano, and Aunt Helen 
was on vocals.   

I picked up the tambourine during the second act. 

Here's a picture of me on the way up to the mountains to 
visit my family in their cabin they rented out.

Friday, May 24, 2013

If You High Five A Mouse

I had to get a picture with one of my favorite characters.  Lucky for me, because I got this great photo of me high fivin' the mouse from If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.  Great end to another awesome day with my Mommy and Daddy.

There was also a playground to play on.  
Daddy spun me around on this little device.  Whee!

Allergy Test

Today I saw an allergy specialist to figure out what I was allergic to.  Mommy and Daddy were nervous on how I would be during the test, since the doctor had to poke me.  They were prepared for the worst (lots of kickin' and screaming).  Boy were they surprised.  I took the pokes like a champ.  I didn't cry once.  There was a time when I wanted to itch my back, but I got distracted by Little Nemo on TV.   We found out that I'm allergic to eggs, peanuts, and dogs.  I'm also allergic to cats, but I love my kitties and I'm around them all the time.  

This picture shows what they had to do to me.  

Monday, May 20, 2013

20 Months

Things have been busy around the house lately.  Mommy and Daddy have been working a lot lately.  Daddy has a test coming up that he has been studying for when ever he can.  This means that I get to hang out with Mommy more and more.  Fun trips to the store and park play days.  Technically these photos were taken a couple week late.  They were taken by Daddy the day after his test.

So, Daddy didn't take the best photos today.
Better luck next time Daddy.  

Smell my stinky feet.  

A little photo of me and Patches.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013

I Love My Baby Sister

Mommy thought it was about time to tell the world that we are expecting another baby.  That means I'm going to be a big sister.  We found out that it's going to be another girl.  I'm so excited to have a little sister, and to teach her all the cool stuff about being a girl.  

Happy family trying to tell everyone that we are expected another baby.  

Crazy Happy Family. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sunset over a tree. 

Mommy's Day

I love my Mommy.
I love her in the morning, I love her at night.  I love how she cuddles me when I wake up, and kisses me goodnight.  She knows how to make me giggle, and teaches me to be polite.  I couldn't imagine a better story teller.  She sits with me when I'm scared, and rides with me in the backseat of the car.  She picks out the juiciest fruit, and make the yummiest grilled cheese.
 What doesn't she do as a great Mommy?

We celebrated Mother's Day on Saturday.  We went to the Denver Children's Museum to have some fun.  It was are first time, and got to see so many different things.  I practiced how to take care of animals.  We got to play with and catch rocketships.  Daddy showed me his bubble skills.  The best part of the day might have been playing in the wilderness area, and crawling through the tunnels.

Mommy was teaching my how these orange balls worked.  
Wouldn't you like to know?

I'm crawling out of the rabbit hole. 

This was a cool rocket display, where
Daddy was able to shoot these hankies at me and Mommy.

Me and Mommy having fun.

Mommy was waiting for the next hanky.  

This is where you launch the hankies. 

Back to these orange balls.  

I was learning to be a Vet.  

Pop goes the bubble.

Daddy was playing with bubbles with me.

More bubble play.

I was catching smoke bubbles.  

Friday, May 10, 2013


I have been practicing my ABCs lately.  I starting to getting really good at the ABC song.  I thought I would share some videos of my saying my letters.  

I think this video

Daddy decided to focus on me in this video.  

I was trying to spell my name.  

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Derby Day

Daddy had me pick the winners the night before the Kentucky Derby.  I had fun picking my top four horses for the Derby, but I had the most fun practicing my celebration dance.  

Purdy was helping me pick out my Derby ponies.  

Here are my derby picks.  

I'm practicing my winners dance.


Did I win already?

Money, Money, Money

The next day watching the race with Rocket the horse.  

I started to think that I might have
better luck sitting upside down.

Well, no luck this time.  I didn't win.  Maybe next year.