Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sea Life Inspired Expressions

Here is a sample of my artwork during the past month.  The theme for this collection is the ocean and sea life.  I really liked my time playing on the beach.  Wow, that was a year ago.  I think it's time for another family vacation to the beach!

A Sail Boat

I think these are called 
flips flops.  

A seahorse riding a dolphin?


Lastly, I made this sand castle.  

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Yee-Haw The Horse

Mommy and Daddy let me ride this horse at the grocery store since it's only a penny.  I wanted to ride her a bunch of times since it was so cheap, but Daddy said maybe next time.  

Nice little horsey.  Yee-Haw!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Little Show Tune During Dinner

I started singing some songs during dinner today.  Mommy joined in to give me some support.  

Baby Foster

We went to the hospital today to met my new cousin, Foster.  I was really excited on the way, and kept on talking about my new cousin.  I really like saying his name.  My excitement was quickly drained.  I blame the nurse in the elevator.  I was completely shy by the time I got to their room.  

Mommy and Daddy are a little worried about how I'm going to act around my new baby sister, because I wasn't into Foster at all.  I did get close to him on the couch.  I think I was scared stiff, so I let it happen.  You'll see my expression down below.  I started to warm up after a little bit.  I ate some yogurt, played with some balloons, and showed them my happy feet dance.  It was time to go before I knew it.

I know I will love my baby sister, but it might take some time.  

Baby cousin Foster

Everyone wanted me to try to hold him, but...

I really didn't want to.  

Proud parents to their new baby boy.  

Helping Mommy Out

Mommy and Daddy got a new stool for me, so I can step up to the sink and wash my hands.  I decided that I should give Mommy some help building it.  

Let's take a look here.  

Mommy, it looks good from this angle.  


Mommy, here's that thing-a-ma-jig you were looking for.  

I guess we never took a picture of the finished product or of me using the stool.  I'll be sure to post those sometime soon.  

Saturday, July 20, 2013

22 Months

I'm almost two years old. I can't believe how fast time flies by.  Before you know it I'm going to be a big sister.  Right now I'm not too sure how much I want to be a big sister.  I know I will grow to love my baby sister.  Plus, it's going to be awesome teaching her big girl things.  

Mommy and Daddy had to bribe me with a book to get me to sit.  

Oh hello, do you want me to read you a story?

Kapowwe! Take a look. Read a book!

I didn't want to sit by myself anymore, so Mommy 
decided to ready me a story.  

Guess what?  My Mommy loves me.  

Friday, July 19, 2013

Artwork Bugs

Inch Worm

Scary Spider?

I think this is supposed to be an ant.


Beautiful butterfly.

 Dragon fly.  

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th Of July

Happy Birthday America!!!
Today, we headed out to the Ranch...Highlands Ranch that is.  We went to visit our friends Chris, Sara, and Avery for a parade and some fun!  It was really hot out...and Mommy and Sara (who also has a baby in her belly) thought it was a little uncomfortable...but, they pushed through it for us kids!

The Ranch had a carnival atmosphere that was filled with games and bounce houses.  The lines were long and the sun was so hot I wanted to sing a folk song about the day.  In fact, the heat was so intense Mommy had to cool down with some Jamba Juice.  We went across to street to try out some rides.  I wanted to ride the the mini train and jump in the bounce house.  I lasted about 30 seconds on the train until I bawled in vain.    I appreciate Mommy waiting in line even though it didn't pan out.

Next stop on the adventure was a balloon animal - I got a giraffe which last a day.  The last stop after Daddy had a toot was the bounce house with Avery.  I didn't want to go alone, so I made Daddy come with.  We bounced and bounced until the whistle range.  The rest of the day was spent playing with Avery and her toys.    We ended the day back at home, with a chance to see fireworks as I go to sleep.
Happy Birthday America.

I'm ready to walk to the parade (even though it may not look like it).
Well everyone else walked beside Avery and me.  

I got to pet a pony. 

I was waiting patiently for my ride to start. 

It wasn't long until I started crying to get off. 

I want my Mommy.  

Next stop; bounce house. 

It started to get hot so I played in the fountain with Avery and Daddy.  

Best Friends.  

I learned to pop some snaps all by myself.  I decided
to add in some happy feet while doing it.

Reading stories before bedtime. 

I was asleep, but Mommy and Daddy said this is the view
 of the fireworks from our backyard.

I can't believe that I slept through the grand finale.

See, this is me sleeping through the fireworks.  

I Made My Own Fireworks


Sprinkle works. 

Star Power

God Bless America.