Friday, January 31, 2014

I'm the Queen of the...

...House!  That's right people.  
I run things around here now!
Tee hee, just kidding.  But, I did
like being taller than everyone on
Daddy's shoulders!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Daddy Sayler Day At The Zoo

Daddy thought we needed some bonding time together, so we went to the zoo.  This presented itself as a great opportunity to give my wagon a good test outside.

We discovered a new spot to see the lions.  

Watch out for Peacocks on rocks!

I really like this merry go round.  

Zoo Selfies.

I wanted to pull the wagon towards the end of the day.  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sloane 4 Months

What's that you say...I'm already 4 months old?!

For my 4 month birthday, Sayler joined me for a picture and to reminisce 
about the many photos she used to take in this very same spot!

Oh, hey Patches...when did you get there?!

Whoopsie Daisy!  I went in for a hug, and I guess both Patches 
and I were a little off balance!
(Don't worry, neither of us were harmed in this situation)

Tee hee, I'm still laughing about that last picture...
how about you guys?!

I'll be honest you guys, I wasn't feeling my best on my 4 month 
birthday (I blame that mishap between Patches and I on being a 
little under the weather).  But, a change in tights and I cheered 
up a bit!

So, we meet again...come on over here Patches, let's try 
hugging it out again.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

If The Shoe Fits

Tonight was a night to try on Mommy's and Daddy's shoes to see which one fit the best.   First it was Daddy's dress shoes. 

These shoes are too big.  

These shoes are too heavy. 

These shoes are just right!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Guitar Solos and Toddler Yoga

It was time to warm up after a day outside in the snow.  Sloaney and I decided to do some yoga to get the blood flowing.  She was a good instructor, but hard to follow.  

Sloaney, how does this stretch go?

Oh, you have to touch your toes.

Wow Sloaney, you're really 

Ok, I think I can get both of my 
toes if I go this way.  

Look at this Sloane.  

After yoga, I decided to jam out on my new puppy guitar. 
Is this not the most perfect guitar jammin' pic?

I'm a woofing hound dog.  

Look at me go, tummy time!

First Time Sledding

There was finally enough snow for me to go on my first sledding adventure today.  Mommy took me down the street to the park with a hill.  The best part of the day was riding the sled down to the park and back.  I didn't really like sledding because all the snow flew into my face, and I didn't like that.  Maybe next time will be a little more fun.  

Whee, this is fun!

Mommy I'm ready to go home now.

No wait, one more time around.