Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sloane 4 Months

What's that you say...I'm already 4 months old?!

For my 4 month birthday, Sayler joined me for a picture and to reminisce 
about the many photos she used to take in this very same spot!

Oh, hey Patches...when did you get there?!

Whoopsie Daisy!  I went in for a hug, and I guess both Patches 
and I were a little off balance!
(Don't worry, neither of us were harmed in this situation)

Tee hee, I'm still laughing about that last picture...
how about you guys?!

I'll be honest you guys, I wasn't feeling my best on my 4 month 
birthday (I blame that mishap between Patches and I on being a 
little under the weather).  But, a change in tights and I cheered 
up a bit!

So, we meet again...come on over here Patches, let's try 
hugging it out again.

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