Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year Thanksgiving was just the four of us.  No crazy visits to see family.  No crazy big meal to plan and make.  It was just the four of us and the weather was awesome, so we got to spend some time outside and the park.  

Happy Thanksg....wait what is this picture?

Dinner time.  Where is Daddy?

Here's Daddy!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are thankful for family!

Just another representation of out family on a holiday. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Doc McSayler

I've talked about being a doctor before.  Most recently, I talked with Daddy on being a brain surgeon.  But, I'm also keeping my doctor thoughts broad.  There has been talk of me being a vet as well.   These below pictures are my start to being that doctor (whichever route I chose).   

What does this empty box of band-aids lead to?

It leads to over use of band aids on my stuffed animals. 
Babar had a broken trunk.  

Everybody had something hurt on them.  

Little puppy hurt his paw.  

Bianca snapped her tail.  
Don't worry it sounds worse than it was. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Rocks of Thanks

Today Mommy created a Thanksgiving Day craft for me 
and Sloane.  She collect special rocks from the garden for 
each of us to represent what we are truly thankful for.  

There aren't enough rocks here for all the things
I'm thankful for.  

Here Sloane paint them like this.  

Each paint stroke represents something that we are thankful for.  

Sloane what are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for Elmo.  

I'm thankful for sprinkles!

Here is everything we are thankful for.
Well not everything.  

Monday, November 10, 2014

Super Sayler

A random Monday afternoon playing dress up.  Super 
Sayler to the rescue.  

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Sloane's Fun Day With Daddy

Salyer had a birthday party to go to with one of her school friends.  It was determined that I wasn't invited so I stayed home with Daddy.  It all started with them going to Target to get C. a birthday present.  It was an endeavor to find the perfect gift.  Good thing they already got the gift for next weeks party (another friend of mine's bday).  

I was playing hide 'n go seek with Daddy.  This picture 
was after Daddy already found me.  

Hide 'n go seek is super fun.  

I bet Daddy can't find me.  

I feel like this is a precursor to what will happen 
later today. 

I was actually doing a funny dance with 
the paint bottles. (maybe we can get a GIF of that later)

A quick video of me walking good for the first time. 

I made it down the hallway in this video,  Well 
after a couple falls, but I got right back up to steady myself.