Saturday, November 1, 2014

Sloane's Fun Day With Daddy

Salyer had a birthday party to go to with one of her school friends.  It was determined that I wasn't invited so I stayed home with Daddy.  It all started with them going to Target to get C. a birthday present.  It was an endeavor to find the perfect gift.  Good thing they already got the gift for next weeks party (another friend of mine's bday).  

I was playing hide 'n go seek with Daddy.  This picture 
was after Daddy already found me.  

Hide 'n go seek is super fun.  

I bet Daddy can't find me.  

I feel like this is a precursor to what will happen 
later today. 

I was actually doing a funny dance with 
the paint bottles. (maybe we can get a GIF of that later)

A quick video of me walking good for the first time. 

I made it down the hallway in this video,  Well 
after a couple falls, but I got right back up to steady myself.  

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