Friday, September 30, 2011

Papa and Grandma Kroll

Papa Kroll and Grandma Kroll

Here is my first outing outside of the house.  Papa encouraged Mommy and Daddy to go out to lunch with them.  We went to a local burger place that sounded like it was delicious.  I can't wait until I can have a burger there.   

Something tells me that Papa Kroll is going to be the first one to give me a taste of beer. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Look Who Is A Week Old

Look at me, I am a week old already.  Look how big I am.  That is Patches, my Mommy's old teddy.  She was thinking that Patches would be a good way to show you all how big I am getting. 

Here are a couple pictures of me and my cuteness. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Go Big Red

 I loved my first Husker game.  The good guys won 38-14 against the Wyoming Cowboys .  I think Nebraska played great for my first game.  I'm not sure why Mommy and Daddy are so worried when Martinez has the ball.  I think he is a mature quarterback, because he's not forcing throws and takes the slide to save him from season ending injury. 

Here I am in one of my first Husker shirts.  Mimi got them for me when she came up to visit.  She didn't know if I was going to be a boy or girl so she had to keep them gender neutral. 

Me and my Mimi celebrating in style!  And if I do say so myself, we're lookin' good! 

 Husker family pride! GBR
I can't wait to get my first Husker cheerleader outfit.  Gooo Biiiig Reeed. 
Heres to many more Husker wins, and a B1G 10 Championship!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My First Car Ride!?!

Well I left the hospital today.  I had to be transported home in this crazy car seat contraption.  Look how small I look in this thing.  Not the most comfortable thing in the world, but I was lulled to sleep once we started driving.  My guess that I wont have to keep on using this car seat for too long, since I am such a progressive baby.   We'll see. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So the Winner is Me

So how many people thought I was a girl?  How many people thought I was a boy?  All the money is going to the people who pick girl.  I guess that makes me the winner.  I know I fooled a lot of people.

One of my first photos.
 I think I even had my Mommy and Daddy believing I was a boy (yuck).  Let me take a minute to introduce myself. 

My name is Sayler Leigh Buglewicz.  (what an awesome name)  I couldn't have picked a better name myself.  I was born September 20th 2011 at 2:15 pm.   I was a solid 7lbs 14oz.  I measured 20.5in, which is all torso.  Not sure what that is going to do with my modeling career. (jk)

I had to pinch myself, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

For Mommy being a first timer she had no major problems getting me out.  I progressed pretty quickly this morning, which just so happens to be my due date.  I guess I learned punctuality from my parents.  My Mommy only had to push for about 75 minutes.   

I must say she did great because I came out looking so beautiful, with such a round little head.  Good thing because I am way too progressive in my looks to come out with the conehead look a lot of babies come out sporting. 

This is one of my parents favorite photos of me ( one of thousands I sure).

So, I think one of the questions are going to be asked is who if any one cried during my birth day.  Well, Mommy didn't cry, and I am ok with they.  She was so surprised that I was a girl, and so overwhelmed by my beauty that she couldn't cry.  Dad on the other had wasn't able to keep himself from crying a little bit.  I think he was so happy that he was finally a daddy, along with being overwhelmed with emotions.  I couldn't have asked for better parents. 

Our first family photo.  Mommy looks awesome for just doing what she did.   ;)