Tuesday, May 29, 2012

36 Weeks

It was a fun week around the Bugga house.  It was Mommy and Daddy's wedding anniversary this weekend, so the family packed up some bags and went up to the mountains.  I will talk about that in a later post.  I don't know what else to say. 

Happy Anniversay Mommy and Daddy.

How do you like my purple tutu?

I like it a lot, but it's going to be too small for me soon. 


Here Mommy, let me take a picture of you. 

Malik quit jumping on me. 

Stop the photo shoot, I'm done.  See ya next time. 


How cute is this shirt?

Monday, May 28, 2012

Can I Stand Next To You?

Look at me.  I'm standing without any help from anybody. 

One handed.  

I also know how to wave.  

Getting digital.

How cute do I look in this close up?

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Welcome to Breckenridge!

The family decided to get out of the house for a night.  Plus, it was Mommy & Daddy's Anniversary - 6 whole years!  So we packed up our bags and went up to the mountains.  I slept the entire ride up, so I missed all the beautiful scenery.  Breckenridge is a laid back town, just like me.  We went out to eat for lunch and walked around the town for a little bit.  There was this cool toy store we checked out, but Mommy and Daddy didn't buy me anything (what gives?).  After the day on the town, we headed back to our hotel for a little pool time. 

I really enjoyed swimming (not that I swam much at all).  I was a little confused by the pool.  I really expected Mommy to get out the soap and shampoo to clean me up.  Except all we did was play time.  I enjoyed splashing around the most.  Splash, splash, splash.  I soaked myself so much from splashing around.  But, turns out that's okay to soak yourself when you're in the pool!!! 

I had to take a real bath after pool time to clean off the chlorine.  Somehow Daddy started to flood the bathroom (only my Daddy could do something like that!).  It was so bad, Daddy had to run back to the pool to get a handful of towels.  The tub was big so Mommy took at bath with me (we splish splashed together, it was fun).  We were thinking about going out to eat after all that, but I wasn't in the mood to get ready and go out again (I was pretty content in my pj's watching Toy Story).  So, instead of going out, we ordered in.  Well actually I ate my normal food, but Mommy and Daddy had Italian. 

We finished the weekend off with some breakfast the next day at a local favorite dive.  We wanted to go on a hike, but it was really windy and cold that day.  So we went shopping at the outlet mall.  I couldn't find a single thing that looked good on me.  I can't believe that I went home empty handed.  Anyway it was a great mini vacation,  I can't wait until my next one. 

View from our hotel room.  
I got to try out my eating chair. 
 I really like the portabilty of it. 

Mommy eating ice cream without me. 

The happy couple. 

Daddy kinda wanted to go here.  To wet his whistle. 

Taking my new chair out and about.  

This is one giant bathtub.

Yay this is fun! 

Come on Daddy get your hair wet.

I got so excited that I splashed myself in the face!

Practicing my swimming skills

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

35 Weeks

Anyone up for a round of tennis?

Patches do you want to play tennis?

Just doing some stretching before the match. 

I dominated you Patches. 

Victory Pose. 

It'so easy being me.

Was it all a dream, I didn't think I could play tennis. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Very First Car

Mommy and Daddy got me my own car the very next day after trying my cousin's car out (I guess you could say that I get what I want?  Or maybe Mommy and Daddy just really spoil me) :)


Alright Daddy, let's get this car built.

Okay, I will read you the directions. 

Wait these are in Spanish! Que?!

Break time.  Time to pose for the camera. 

Don't forget this piece. 

It's all done.  Let's take this puppy outside. 

Look both hands on the wheel. 

If you don't take time to smell the flowers time will past you by
(or so i've heard). 

Hey Daddy why did you stop pushing me?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

License To Drive

This last weekend, I went over to my cousins house.  Something about Uncle Justin and Aunt Melissa having a happy hour at their house.  Not sure what that means.  People were happy, for at least an hour, so I guess that's it?  Besides the happiness, I got my first taste of freedom behind the wheels of a car. 

This is awesome!  I was so happy once I got behind the wheel.

Beep, beep. Excuse Me. 

I just can't figure out how to turn on the head lights. 

Dad, when can I get one of these?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

34 Weeks

I'm looking really cute. 

Tada!  I bet you can't guess what's up my sleeve. 

Just practicing my dance routine with Patches. 

Patches, just image what your hair would
look like parted to the left. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I Love My Mommy

Happy Mother's Day to the bestest most wonderful Mommy ever. 
I'm so lucky to have her as a Mommy. 

We were going to go on a Mother's Day hike with some friends, but it was a cold and rainy day (booooo).  We couldn't even get out and go to the park.  But, that's okay because we still got in plenty of play time indoors.  And...because I'm such a good girl, I even let Mommy take a well deserved nap!

I'm helping Daddy make some breakfast for Mommy on
Mother's Day.
Now is it a teaspoon or a tablespoon?

Breakfast is served.  A little baked french toast,
and a breakfast strata.

 Looks like Bella had first bites. 

 Look how cute Mommy is. 

  Ohh, Moommmy stop it.  Well I guess since it's
Mother's Day. 

Daycare helped me make a personalized towel for Mommy.
Those are my hand prints.  We'll have to add to it each year!

This is one of my first art projects.  I made a butterfly
out of my feet.  Cool huh?

One more look.