Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bye Bye Ear Infections

Sorry if I didn't tell everyone of my planned surgery, but I didn't want to worry any one (I was told that it was a simple easy peasy procedure).  I only had ear tubes put into each of my ears.  We got to Children's Hospital at 5:30 in the morning.  That means I had to wake up 90 minutes before my normal wakey wakey time.  At least I got to go back to sleep during the ride there.  The hospital was kinda neat because it had so many different things to explore and play with (Duh, it is a Children's Hospital).  The worst part is that we had to wait for hours before my doctor was ready.  During that time the nurses scared me, because I wasn't used to them.  At least I got to watch some of my favorite videos while I waited.  I cried and cried once the nurse took me from Mommy and Daddy.  Unfortunately, Mommy and Daddy weren't with me anymore and I got some gas that knocked me out so I don't remember too much more. 

I'm even cute in a hospital gown
I was pacing back and forth before
the operation.  
The wait was so long, I had to bust out some toys. 
Forget this, I'm out of here. 
Fine I'll just take a nap. 
Just a few minutes after my
surgery (notice the Wonder Woman
shirt, because I was strong).
There was a neat fish tank outside the surgery rooms, and it
inspired me for the rest of the day.

Less then an hour after and I was
safe at home in my room. 
Wait until you see what we did the rest of the day.  

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