Friday, August 31, 2012

San Diego

Today was my first official vacation!  I flew on a plane for the first time ever.  Mommy and Daddy said I did great!  But, sounds like they found it more difficult than me...lots to bring along when you travel with me:)


This is me waiting for my first airplane
ride ever.  I was so nervous I was 
eating my sock. 

I didn't sleep much on the plane, but once I 
got in the car I was out. 
(after a short read)

Mommy and me walking to the beach.  You can't see it in this
picture, but I was pumped.  

Yuck sand!

I was looking for the Little Mermaid all weekend, but never saw her.  

Avery and I weren't too sure about the ocean waves.  

Daddy was so excited about the ocean.  

And, I thought normal walking was hard, 
walking on sand is impossible.  
(Daddy says nothing is impossible)

Just waiting for the surf to come in.  

Guess we waited too long (don't worry I didn't get wet).

Family beach photo.  

Run family!  

Mommy and my hair blowing in the ocean breeze.  

Did someone say cheesy?!

The end of a beautiful first day in California.

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