Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Mommy was out of town again tonight, so I sent her another text to say goodnight. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Viral Friday

Here is a good old rockin' video filmed right here in Colorado.  Maybe someday I'll get to see a live show at Red Rocks.  I guess I will wait. ;) 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Rat Tail

Yes I have a rat tail.  Daddy likes to brush my hair into a curly rat tail.  It's amazing how my hair grows towards this one point.  I only hope that I wont have to worry about this rat tail once my hair grows longer.  I only hope.
 I feel like a peacock.
Just look at the shadow. 
At least I have hair now.
Just a little close up of my tail,
my rat tail.  
Wow, I have beautiful wings.  

 Yep, this is where I get my rat tail from. 
Thanks a lot Daddy.

Punk Rock Rat Tail!

Monday, January 21, 2013

16 Months

Not to much has been happening around here the past couple weeks.  I did turn 16 months today.  I know that I got a little behind on my monthly photos with Patches.  As you can see below Patches and I have been on better terms.  Something happened between us right after my 1 year birthday. 

Sad to say that this was one of my best photos today. 

Patches do you remember when you were bigger than me?

No more.  I toss you to the side, because I can.  

I got myself a  purple sock monkey.  

Goodnight Mommy

Mommy had to go out of town for work tonight.  Good thing she was only going to be gone for one night. I missed her so much.  Daddy did a good job of taking care of me.  It was cool doing a video chat with her at night. I missed Mommy so much, I even called for her during the night.

We texted her this picture to say goodnight.  

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Potty Time

 Mommy and Daddy bought me a potty today on the off change that I would start potty training early.  I took to the potty like a duck to water, like white on rice, or like a bear to the woods.  Well at least this once.  You see I've only used the potty once so far, that first day.  I did come close the next day, but peed on the floor in front of the potty.

Naked baby flushing the Elmo potty. 

I got a cookie for going in the potty.

A little privacy please

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I Got A New Elmo Shirt

I love Elmo so much.  Good thing Mimi got the news and decided to get me a cool Elmo shirt.  She is so awesome. 

Super cool just like Elmo. 

Practicing for my Senior Photos


Friday, January 4, 2013

Viral Friday

It has been a long time since I have done a viral video.  I thought it was time to bring it back.  I thought this video was appropriate since I have been learning to kick the bottle.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions


I'm going to rock this year.  I learned to do so many things in my first year.  I learned to crawl even though I'd rather butt scoot to get around (do you guys remember that?).  I quickly learned to walk right after that and was running all over the place.  I use a spoon and fork to eat already. I know so many words after one year.  I love to say kit cat.  There are some many things that I can't list them all.  

I have so many things I want to accomplish this year.  
Here are some of my New Years resolutions (no particular order):
  1. Learn to use the big girl potty.  
  2. Eat a bigger variety of foods. (apple sauce & yogurt don't complete the food pyramid)
  3. Move up to toddler 1&2 classrooms at daycare.
  4. String multiple words together.
  5. Spend more time with my cousins.
  6. Start a toddler pop band.
  7. Quit the binky.
  8. Learn to read.
  9. Play make believe.
  10. Maybe get a pony tail this year.
  11. Attempt to ride a bike.  
  12. Have my first girls night.
  13. Grow my bond with my kitties.
  14. Go down the stairs by myself.  

Here is a link to last years resolutions.  I think I did a good job meeting my goals.  2012 Resolutions