Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions


I'm going to rock this year.  I learned to do so many things in my first year.  I learned to crawl even though I'd rather butt scoot to get around (do you guys remember that?).  I quickly learned to walk right after that and was running all over the place.  I use a spoon and fork to eat already. I know so many words after one year.  I love to say kit cat.  There are some many things that I can't list them all.  

I have so many things I want to accomplish this year.  
Here are some of my New Years resolutions (no particular order):
  1. Learn to use the big girl potty.  
  2. Eat a bigger variety of foods. (apple sauce & yogurt don't complete the food pyramid)
  3. Move up to toddler 1&2 classrooms at daycare.
  4. String multiple words together.
  5. Spend more time with my cousins.
  6. Start a toddler pop band.
  7. Quit the binky.
  8. Learn to read.
  9. Play make believe.
  10. Maybe get a pony tail this year.
  11. Attempt to ride a bike.  
  12. Have my first girls night.
  13. Grow my bond with my kitties.
  14. Go down the stairs by myself.  

Here is a link to last years resolutions.  I think I did a good job meeting my goals.  2012 Resolutions

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