Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Little Little More Time In Nebraska

The next day we went to another zoo.  This time we went to the Lincoln Children's Zoo  I must say it was kinda nice. It just happened to be small enough for me to walk the entire zoo.  

Haha, Uncle Matt you're a frog.  Ribbit!

Matt's photo inspired me to take this butterfly photo.  

I'm breaking out of my shell.  

Daddy and I climbed this mountain. 

I was goofing around with my cup.  Look no hands!

The rare great white peacock. 

Me and Mommy strolling through the zoo.  

Crazy camels eating ice cream cones of treats.  

I got to feed the camels.  Good
thing they didn't try to eat me.  

Choo choo!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Little Nebraska Time

We flew to Nebraska for a quick weekend.  Unfortunately we didn't take too many pictures.  Here are some pictures with Papa at the Omaha zoo.  

Help!  I'm under water.

Crush is that you?

Daddy?  Oh, wait it's a gorilla.

 A quick photo with Papa.  Don't go chasing waterfalls.  

I found that waterfall with Daddy.

I don't know what we were thinking, but we didn't take any pictures with Mimi or Grandpa. 
Boy what was I thinking?  We were lucky to get one picture with Papa. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

What's My Last Name?

I can already say my last name.  I think I can even say it better than Daddy says it.  

19 Months

Sorry this is so late.  I don't remember what I was doing back on my 19 month birthday.  You see Daddy was studying for another test.  Hopefully he passes.   I guess less Daddy free time equaled less blog time.  He promises to keep up with my blog during the summer.  
Oh yeah, I would like to wish my two KC cousins Tenley and Liam a Happy Birthday!  They turned two years old today.  

I got my light up necklace on, my light up necklace on.  

Mommy, tell me more about your favorite color.  

Are we about done?

 Excuse me guys I'm bored.  

I'm outta here.  

Hey wait, I have one more thing to show you.  

Bunny ears!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Denver Art Museum

Daddy thought is was time for me to get some culture.  That meant loading up in the family truckster for some art schooling at the Denver Art Museum (the first Saturday of the month is free).  The first stop was to the Chamber.  In an otherwise dark room, multi-colored projections dance across the walls (wait until you see the pictures).  I wanted to go to the kid zone after that, but we stopped to see some other art on the way.  It was interesting on what people consider modern art.  I think I should get some of my work on these walls.  I mean it is better than half the stuff I've seen.  

Looks neat projecting on us.  

There were these big bean bag chairs Mommy and I laid on 
and watched the action above. 

Look at me, I'm digital.  

I didn't know what to really think of this room.  

Here is an idea on what the room looked like.  
I hope you don't get sick.

Daddy why are you in the corner.  

Come Daddy over here.  

What are you looking at Mommy?

Daddy I think you have something on 
your face.  

There was this room with foxes playing along dinner tables. 

What's going on in this picture?


I played around this outside sculpture after we left the museum.