Saturday, April 20, 2013

19 Months

Sorry this is so late.  I don't remember what I was doing back on my 19 month birthday.  You see Daddy was studying for another test.  Hopefully he passes.   I guess less Daddy free time equaled less blog time.  He promises to keep up with my blog during the summer.  
Oh yeah, I would like to wish my two KC cousins Tenley and Liam a Happy Birthday!  They turned two years old today.  

I got my light up necklace on, my light up necklace on.  

Mommy, tell me more about your favorite color.  

Are we about done?

 Excuse me guys I'm bored.  

I'm outta here.  

Hey wait, I have one more thing to show you.  

Bunny ears!

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