Saturday, August 10, 2013

Fun Fest

Mommy had to work today, so Daddy and I had a fun fest.  Daddy and I spent the morning searching for an awesome new playground.  We dropped Mommy off downtown, so we decided to head to City Park.  I was shocked at how run down that playground was.  I'm happy that they decided to finally build a new playground, because the current one is a deathtrap.  The next stop was Wash Park, which was better.  Wash Park's playground was a little cramped in one small area.  It wasn't really made for toddlers.  It was too tall for me, but not tall enough for Daddy.  I gave both parks a One Slide out of five on my new park rating system.  After those two fails, we decided to go back to my stomping ground.  

The one bright spot of the City Park was this elephant.  Daddy told
me that it escaped from the zoo. 

There was a fun fest at my neighborhood park with lots of activities and games.  We got to play with bubbles, and jump in a ball pit.  They had songs and dancing.  Unfortunately it was so hot I didn't want to join.  There was a bounce house that I was scared to go into by myself.  I liked all the different crafts they had.  Like the rock turtle I made.  The Sulley and Mike were cool to build because I got to use a hammer.  All in all I think it was a great time.  Until I started getting sick.  

Giant bubbles.  

I was really good at the bubbles.  

My first tattoo.   
This is my sad face from being sick.  

My Sulley Daddy helped me build.  

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