Friday, August 9, 2013

Western Welcome Week - Fireworks

Tonight there were fireworks to celebrate the start of Western Welcome Week.  Mommy and Daddy let me stay up late so we can drive down the street to experience the thrills of fireworks.  I want to point out that I've never seen fireworks before, and I wasn't scared a bit.  Well there was this one unexpected boom that startled me just a little bit.  I don't know if I had more fun walking around the park at night with my glow-sticks, or the fact that Penny the penguin got to enjoy the fireworks with me.  I really have no idea how I slept through the 4th of July fireworks.  

These glow sticks were the bomb. 

Wow fireworks are awesome.  

I saw purple ones.  

The fireworks are making it light as day.  

Mommy and me watching the fireworks.  

Boom, fireworks!

We were so close.  

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