Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sloane !?11?? Weeks

People are always saying how cute I am.  It really seams like I'm getting cuter and cuter as each week passes by.  I would have to say that this is one of my best weekly photo shoots.  I was super happy this lovely morning. 

Happy smiley Baby!

Another cute smile. 

My smile is even cute from the side.  

A little glamour shot for the record books. 

Sayler what are you doing to me?

Sisterly love.  

Disney On Ice

Mommy and Me went to Disney on Ice today.  We got to see all my favorite Disney princesses.  It was awesome.  One of the best parts of the day was getting to shake Minnie's hand.  She's the best.  

I never knew I loved popcorn 
so much.  

Mommy and me next to the ice. 

Enjoying some more ice time. 

Mommy got me this Flounder toy.  She said 
this was part of the experience.  

I hope we can go to Disney on ice again some day!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Potty Chart

I've been working on practicing going to the bathroom on the potty.  I've mastered going number one on the 
potty, but I still need to learn to go number two on the potty.  

Mommy made this awesome potty chart to track my progress. 

I love being a big girl. 

Sneak Peak

Here is a little tiny sample of what I plan on wearing for my six month photos.  
No not the top.

I wanted to show off these


I've got moves.  Sixth month moves.  

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Amelia's Birthday

Today was Arianna sister's birthday party at the 
downtown aquarium.

We went through to whole aquarium and the best 
part were these sea life play things.  

Awe, the octopus is trying to get me!

Oh no, now a whale shark is trying to eat me!

Me and the octopus made friends.  

Riding on an octopus.

Daddy was the first person to step 
up to the plate, for face painting.  I decided  
he should get a snail on his face.
Sloane doesn't look all that impressed!  

Mommy got Boots from Dora.  

Daddy can I get a tattoo?

Too bad I already got one.  At least it's classy, right?  

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Playtime Before Dinner

Me and Sayler were playing together while Daddy 
was getting dinner ready.  

I'm really sitting up like a champ these days.  

Selfies while driving are all the rage 
these days.  

I'm ready to ride this bike 
all the way to the toy store.  

Friday, March 14, 2014

Dreaming About Aliens

I have to tell you about the dream I had last night.  My dream was about aliens.  They fly in outer space, they have scary angry eyes, big legs, and arms.  They have big bellies that stick out.  They ripped out all the trees.  They say op-op-op.  They have black eyes.  Aliens like to eat apples and they like kitty food.  They like puppies.  Their ears look like bunny ears.  

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Famous Quotes

Here are some random quotes Mommy thought were awesome and noteworthy:

"A little help here, please."

"Did you see that awesome move?"

"I'm just Sayler."

"Jumping jelly beans."

I'm not a baby.  My sissy is a baby."

"It looks like a beautiful day outside today."

"Daddy, I hope you have a good day at work."

"How was your day daddy?"

"Grilled cheese is good for your tummy."

"It's not a house, it's a home."

"I'm the coolest magician in the world."

"I'm shaking like a leaf."

"I'm going to play with my heart and soul."
(referencing to playing on her drum)

"Mommy, you can be my co-pilot."

"I wish I could fly up mistletoe mountain."

"Where's my monkey's uncle?"

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sloane ??? Weeks Old

Daddy took my weekly photos this week, while Mommy and Sayler went to the grocery store.  I'm doing so many things these days.  I'm sitting up so good these days, I can actually play with Sayler, well kinda.  I've tried my first solid foods, and recently tried pureed carrots.  I like to talk to myself in the mornings.  Mommy and Daddy really love that I do this at 4 in the morning.  

I'm so happy to take pictures with Daddy.

Daddy was imporessed that I was still wearing my church clothes.  

Daddy was getting all smiles from me.  

Daddy, Do you think you're close enough?

 Daddy, now you ARE really too close.  

Swinging With The Cousins

We went over to the cousins house today to play for a little bit.

Maida and I were showing off our swinging skills.  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sitting Up

It's official!  I can sit up on my own 
(without Mommy worrying too much that I'll tumble over)

Sayler wasn't sure what to think...because this also means 
I can reach around and grab toys (and her books) easier!
Mommy also wasn't sure what to think, because it means 
I'm growing up (too fast she says)!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Mommy's Artwork

Some people will say that the heart is on the wrong state,
 but this is were Sloane and I were born, and this is were we live.  
Colorado is awesome, but we will always have love for Nebraska.  

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sloane ?? Weeks

Hi, everybody look at me. 

Me and Patches are the best of buddies.  

Um, this is a new dance technique I taught Patches.  

Stop the press, everybody already knows
how cute I am.  


Today was a free day at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science so we decided to check out the dinosaurs.  We were hoping it wouldn't be busy since it was a freezing day out.  No such luck.  It was busy as bees in a flower store!  

There was a real live dinosaur in the 
lobby of the museum.  

It was hungry and searching  for food.  
It thought Mommy looked yummy.  

Here I'm looking at some birds in the distance.  I was
 happy that Mommy was safe.   

Dinosaur foot!

How cute, baby dinosaurs.  

I thought I was as big as a dinosaur, but 
now I know I was wrong.  

It's a Mommy Stegosaurus and it's baby. 

Look at the neck on this guy. 


I'm the next great scientist looking for prehistoric bones.  

Let's just say this exhibit had 
so much potential. 

This thing was pretty cool!

A T-Rex wanted to stomp on us on the way out.  


Look at those chompers. 

Passed out on the ride home with one hand
halfway in the teddy grahams.