Sunday, March 2, 2014


Today was a free day at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science so we decided to check out the dinosaurs.  We were hoping it wouldn't be busy since it was a freezing day out.  No such luck.  It was busy as bees in a flower store!  

There was a real live dinosaur in the 
lobby of the museum.  

It was hungry and searching  for food.  
It thought Mommy looked yummy.  

Here I'm looking at some birds in the distance.  I was
 happy that Mommy was safe.   

Dinosaur foot!

How cute, baby dinosaurs.  

I thought I was as big as a dinosaur, but 
now I know I was wrong.  

It's a Mommy Stegosaurus and it's baby. 

Look at the neck on this guy. 


I'm the next great scientist looking for prehistoric bones.  

Let's just say this exhibit had 
so much potential. 

This thing was pretty cool!

A T-Rex wanted to stomp on us on the way out.  


Look at those chompers. 

Passed out on the ride home with one hand
halfway in the teddy grahams.

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