Thursday, March 13, 2014

Famous Quotes

Here are some random quotes Mommy thought were awesome and noteworthy:

"A little help here, please."

"Did you see that awesome move?"

"I'm just Sayler."

"Jumping jelly beans."

I'm not a baby.  My sissy is a baby."

"It looks like a beautiful day outside today."

"Daddy, I hope you have a good day at work."

"How was your day daddy?"

"Grilled cheese is good for your tummy."

"It's not a house, it's a home."

"I'm the coolest magician in the world."

"I'm shaking like a leaf."

"I'm going to play with my heart and soul."
(referencing to playing on her drum)

"Mommy, you can be my co-pilot."

"I wish I could fly up mistletoe mountain."

"Where's my monkey's uncle?"

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