Sunday, March 22, 2015

Denver Botanical Garden

Off we go on the trail...

Come on Sloane, let's go!

Look Sloane, pretty flowers

My favorite color!

Tunnel!  Race ya Sayler!

Look at this cool teepee!

Chillin' on the bridge in the upper alps. 

Hey who is this little boy?

What! Another kid.  No way!

Found an old mine..and you may be 
able to find Daddy hiding in this photo!

Ouch, pine needles are pokie.  

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers

 You would never guess we are in the middle of the city!

Next up, Daddy put on a play.

Then I stole the show!

Then we played a little house...

Next up, a smell test!


A few more smell tests...

Hmm, not sure if I like that!

So, that's what an Avocado Tree looks like?
Daddy has a long way to go from the seeds he 
has in the cups of water in our kitchen
(which Mommy refers to as his science experiments)!

Hold my hand Sloane, there could be tigers in 
this jungle. 

Seriously, photos please!

No tigers in here.  

Here are a couple attempts of a girls photo.  

What are you doing Sayler?

Some pretty art!

Next, an uphill race!
This picture isn't fair, I got a late start!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

My Gym

 Today we went to my besties 2nd bday party at My Gym!  We had a lot of fun!

We started off with a little jumping.

Sayler sure has some ups!

I gotta ride in this cool thing

Pizza and cake break!
(Mommy always tries to get a good 
picture of all 4 of us...success rate has been low)

Bouncin' with everyone!

 When we headed home we wrapped the day up with a little chalk art.
Mommy was pretty proud of this one!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Sloane 18 Months

Another mile stone, I hit the 18 month mark!  Who knew 1.5yrs could go so fast!  Some stats on me: I'm getting really tall, 33" to be exact (the 85%)...soon I'll catch up with Sissy!  I weigh almost 23lbs (55%) and my head is huge (though proportional to my body I believe!) at 19",the 93 percentile people - my brain is huge!  I'm talking more and more, and running around trying to keep up with my big sis who I still continue to idolize.  Mommy keeps telling me she wants me to stay this same age forever...something tells me, that's not the way it works!

I brought a few friends along for the photo

Can't forget about my buddy, Patches!

Yoo hoo, down here!...Just messin' with Mommy!


We headed to the park for my 1.5yr bday...
where we did pretty much everything except 
play on the playground equipment!

Sissy and I entertained ourselves in this
tree for nearly 30mins (I'm not sure 
Mommy was quite as entertained)!

Headed to the lookout tower!

Climbing rocks and goofing around with my Sis.

Round 2 of photo sessions!

Happy Girl today!

Mommy said this was her favorite picture of me!

Then Sissy joined the photo session and things just got silly!
Silly faces!

She's hilarious!

Trying to focus and smile for Mommy

Love you sis! :)

Ha! Seriously, she's so goofy!  That's why I love her so much!