Sunday, March 22, 2015

Denver Botanical Garden

Off we go on the trail...

Come on Sloane, let's go!

Look Sloane, pretty flowers

My favorite color!

Tunnel!  Race ya Sayler!

Look at this cool teepee!

Chillin' on the bridge in the upper alps. 

Hey who is this little boy?

What! Another kid.  No way!

Found an old mine..and you may be 
able to find Daddy hiding in this photo!

Ouch, pine needles are pokie.  

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers

 You would never guess we are in the middle of the city!

Next up, Daddy put on a play.

Then I stole the show!

Then we played a little house...

Next up, a smell test!


A few more smell tests...

Hmm, not sure if I like that!

So, that's what an Avocado Tree looks like?
Daddy has a long way to go from the seeds he 
has in the cups of water in our kitchen
(which Mommy refers to as his science experiments)!

Hold my hand Sloane, there could be tigers in 
this jungle. 

Seriously, photos please!

No tigers in here.  

Here are a couple attempts of a girls photo.  

What are you doing Sayler?

Some pretty art!

Next, an uphill race!
This picture isn't fair, I got a late start!

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