Sunday, March 15, 2015

Waterton Canyon

As you can see, I was pretty excited to go on a hike...
I can't say the same for Sloane.

Off we go, on this beautiful day!

Our first wildlife sighting on the hike...deer!

Our second wildlife sighting...oh wait, that's just Daddy!

Our real second wildlife sighting...a lizard.
We almost missed him, thanks Daddy for pointing him out!

 After awhile, I got a little tired so Daddy gave me a lift!

 While sissy caught a lift with Daddy, 
I did some hiking with Mommy

And our third wildlife sighting!

Lounging in the sun...not bad scenery.


Snack Time!

Snack motion!
p.s. never forget your beads when hiking!

Practicing fishing...I wanted to just jump in, 
but Mommy and Daddy said no!

Just being silly!
On the way back, we saw one of the sheep climb 
all the way up the hill on the top of the rocks!  
I wanted to climb up with him,
 but a guess that was a no-go.

 Sloane got a little tired on the hike...

She was so cute, I couldn't resist giving her kisses!

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