Thursday, April 16, 2015

How to Surprise a Dad - Author Sighting

As many of you know, I love to read...and today I actually got to meet someone who wrote a book!
My school brought the Author, Jean Reagan to visit us.  
She's wrote a couple other books, including How to Babysit a Grandma (which i really liked).
Mommy & Daddy talk about writing their own children's books, I think Mommy thought this was pretty cool!

Her latest book..

The author reading How to Surprise a Dad to us.

I was pretty focused...Sloane on the other hand, not so much!

Meeting Jean Reagan

I got a signed copy of her book!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Toddler Yoga

I used to love doing baby yoga, then sort of forgot about it.  But, don't worry, I'm bringing toddler yoga back and I think I've got the moves down!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

This year was an extra special Easter, Mimi and Grandpa were here!  So, we got in lots of family time, and play time with the cousins!

In the morning we woke up to all of this!

We were pretty excited to dive right in.

Tinkerbell Sticker book...awesome!

Lollipop...super awesome!
+ Daddy photobombing (awesome, I guess)?

We decided we better check out the cool Hello Kitty tent!

Then we took a little break to wish Skittles (my class hamster) a 
Happy Easter!

Then it was back to testing out our loot!
This is cozy:)

We even talked Mimi into trying the sleeping bags out with us!

Then we got into our Easter best to head outside for an 
Easter egg hunt (1 of 3), and....BUBBLES!

The hunt begins...

Found one!

I had to reach high to knock an egg down

This is fun!

Testing out the treats inside the eggs!


Then, off to Easter Brunch at Second Home with the cousins!

Cousin Love!

The rare family photo, but of 
course we weren't all looking at the camera
(there's always next year)!

The Easter Bunny made an appearance!

With the cousins by my side, I was
brave enough to get a photo with him.

Easter egg hunt (2 of 3), the 
Easter Bunny even joined in!

What?  Do I have something on my face?!

 Next we headed to the cousins, and did some Easter artwork.

H & M creating their masterpieces!

Easter Egg hunt number 3!
Elmo Eggs...doesn't get any better than that!

Maida and I were pretty good at the search!
And Harper (not pictured) was really nice with sharing:)

Dress up time...of course!
I was some sort of princess fairy, I think.

Dress up time always needs Batman,
and firefighter sidekick!

 Then it was off to see stylist, Harper!

How's it looking?

Here, let me put this on you!

What's so funny?! You're the one who did my makeup!

Mommy thinks we might need a couple makeup lessons, 
I call it creative vision!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Cookie Craving!

We had a craving for cookies!  So, when we got home from bowling we hurried and frosted our Easter cookies so we could quickly do a taste test!  Sloane took the taste testing to a whole new level of messy!

Purple favorite!

I was very you can tell by the awesome cookies in front of me!

Look's trouble!

The tasting begins!

No reason to not just get after it!

Cookie Monster!

Bowling Bananza!

While Mimi and Grandpa were in town we took them to the 'Big City' for some bowling!
Mimi schooled us all, but us kids gave some of the adults a run for their money as well!

Let the bowling begin!

Sloane with a little assistance!

Looks like a strike to me!

After bowling...bonding time!
Me and M, hugging it out!

Either someone tooted, or Maida said something hilarious
(I have a good guess of which one)!

A series of silly cousin shenanigans...