Saturday, April 4, 2015

Soccer Star!?

This weekend I started my first season of soccer with the Lollipops.  I love kicking the ball around at home, but when I got to the field, well...I wasn't so sure!

Contemplating the decision to sign up for soccer over some fruit snacks.

 Not sure I want to leave Daddy's side

Our Team!

Humoring Mommy and Daddy (and Mimi & Grandpa who came to cheer me on)
but...ONLY after they bribed me with Skittles!

Things were a little shaky to start with, 
but I was all smiles by the end.  Partly due 
to the fact that I got a lollipop...the plus side
of signing up for a team named "Lollipops!"

The second weekend of soccer went a little smoother...less bribes,
less hand holding, and more smiles!

Look at me!  Turns out I'm pretty fast.
Which came in handy later when we played "what time is it Mr. Fox."
I'll admit, I was a little frightened with my whole team running after me like 
foxes...I turned on my wheels!

You may recognize my old buddy in the background!

Me and Coach practicing ball handling skills
Next weekend I bet I'll be even better!

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