Saturday, July 11, 2015


Aunt Helen, Uncle Rod, and Owen stopped by on their way home.  It's always awesome to see them.  Plus they bring great gifts, like the Lego - Hello Kitty.  Mommy and Daddy says that it's always important to take photos when family is together.  Maybe someday we can visit them soon.  

It's hard to get a picture of these two.  

At least everyone is looking at the camera.

It's great to spend time with Aunt Helen.  Oh, we like spending 
time with Owen and Uncle Rod also.  

Yeah Aunt Helen!

It's even harder to get all three of these to stay still for a picture.  

Look at me, I'm a monkey!

 Owen photo bomb!

Watch out Owen, don't get wet. 

You got wet.  

I don't even know what is going on here.  
I think she is washing her butt.  Hee, hee.  

Couple videos of the cousin band practicing. 

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