Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday Dadurday

Sometimes you just need to celebrate Daddy.  So, today we enjoyed a little Saturday included!

We took a little bit of the inspiration from this book...or at least the title of our day!

We were hiding from Daddy, waiting for the perfect moment to jump out and say...

Because every magical day needs a unicorn card...

I think Daddy liked his gifts

Then we headed down the street to play in the stream at our park!

We even got some wrestling time in with Daddy.

Then we tried to take photos...Sloane thought we were being silly!

We love you Daddy!

Then we took Daddy out for lunch...we decided to try the new Farmhouse Restaurant at the Breckenridge Brewery.  Sloane and I were on our best behavior (seriously, Mommy & Daddy couldn't believe it).

Cheers to an awesome Daddy!

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