Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Spread Eagle

I don't know why, but for some reason I was sitting in my 
car seat like this one day on the way to daycare.  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mt Elbert

This is a little post about the mountain Daddy climb during his man's weekend.  I am so proud of you Daddy.  You are the strongest man I know (of course I have to say that).  You are such an inspiration to me.  You kept on climbing even though you wanted to quit.  You kept on moving with blistered heals and sore legs, and you did this solo as your group moved along without you.  It may have taken you forever, but you did it.  I love you Daddy. 

So that mountain in the distance, that's the one Daddy climbed.  
Mt Elbert is the tallest mountain in Colorado.  

Look at this view.  Are you at the top Daddy?

Look at that rugged trail.  

That trail looks never ending Daddy.  
How did you make it so far?

And it keeps on going. 

I bet this is the top, right?

I just want to knock that over (hee hee).

Wow Daddy, that's like straight up.  It reminds me of our steps.  

Daddy could you touch the clouds?

At 14,000ft.  I'm so proud of you Daddy, but
 you still got another 400ft to go.  Don't quit now. 

Yeah you made it to the top.  

Enjoy that toot Daddy.  You deserved it.  

Look at that view.  

Daddy could you see our house from up there?

This is neat.  

So is this.  

I had Mommy text this photo of me
to Daddy while he was gone.  
(I had to get a picture of me 
in this post some where)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

43 Weeks

Me and Mommy are going to have a girls weekend (I hope we get to talk about boys).  You see Daddy is going up to the mountains for a man's weekend.  He is white river rafting and then he's going to try to climb a mountain with some friends (I wish him luck).  All while me and Mommy are staying city girls.  Maybe we'll invite some girlfriends over and we'll have a girls night.  I could see us doing some facial masks, and maybe some makeovers.      

Hey, what's that over there?

Practicing my balancing skills


Peek a boo...

...I see you!

Getting confident with standing, and climbing!

Hmmm, how do I get up these stairs?

Feet first? (Mommy is shaking her head no)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cookie Monster

Trying out my best Cookie Monster 

I love cookies. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

42 Weeks

I sure had a great week with Mimi.  I love my time with her.  I can't wait until next time.  I need to visit Nebraska soon, really soon.  

Sometimes big girls even need to cry 
(I was sad because Mimi left, obviously).

Patches please don't watch me cry.  

 Feelin' a little better.  

Excuse me there's one thing I need to do.  

I just needed to push Patches over, now all better.  

Do you like my new shoes?

I don't. :(

Good bye everyone, see ya next time.  

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mimi and the Zoo

Um, Mimi that's my hat.  I think it might
 be a little too small for you.  

Mimi and her granddaughters. 

Family, I love family. 

Fun day at the zoo with Mimi.  For
some reason I didn't like her

Little me stuck between
 Mommy and Mimi. 


Me and Madia, soon to be besties,
 riding in an Asian taxi.   

Umm, Harper what are you looking at?

Mimi, this is so much better. 

 Haper is so excited to drive the taxin and take me back home. 

Ooh, I remember these otters, they were cute and funny.  

After the Asia tropics we headed to the fishy bowl.  
I love fishes.   

 Look how happy I'm to see the
tropic fish.

Look at me, I'm between to seals. 

This was totally awesome.  The seals were 
swimming right in front of me.