Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I was so excited Mimi was in town. 

I'm high steppin' with Mimi. 

Look at the dress Mimi made for me.  The dress
is a little too big still,
 but the hat fits (I guess I have a big head.)  

On the 4th we played in the splash park
a little bit. 

Drip drops falling on my head.  

 Yeah, this is fun. 

The water was cool on my feet. 

Mimi's turn.  

Mommy seemed scared of the water. 

Daddy let me watch my videos. 

After a long day it was bath time. 

This outfit is wild (get it wild, as in giraffe).  

Chillin' in my new giraffi outfit. 
Giraffes have long necks you know. 

Mimi, I like how you placed a ball on top of that tower.  

I love pushing over towers. 

A couple days later Mommy and Daddy
got my new pool ready for my playdate
with my cousins (I was so excited).

Three Amigos!

Silly Maida.

I didn't totally love my new pool.  

Ha, Ha Haper you're  so funny.  

Maida wetting her hair, while Haper was trying to hide. 

One day we went over to Uncle Justin, and Aunt Melissa's
 house after the zoo day. 

Scuba Harper.  

I got to ride a doggy. 

Family action photo. 

Playing kitchen with Maida.  

Goodnight Mimi.  

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