Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mt Elbert

This is a little post about the mountain Daddy climb during his man's weekend.  I am so proud of you Daddy.  You are the strongest man I know (of course I have to say that).  You are such an inspiration to me.  You kept on climbing even though you wanted to quit.  You kept on moving with blistered heals and sore legs, and you did this solo as your group moved along without you.  It may have taken you forever, but you did it.  I love you Daddy. 

So that mountain in the distance, that's the one Daddy climbed.  
Mt Elbert is the tallest mountain in Colorado.  

Look at this view.  Are you at the top Daddy?

Look at that rugged trail.  

That trail looks never ending Daddy.  
How did you make it so far?

And it keeps on going. 

I bet this is the top, right?

I just want to knock that over (hee hee).

Wow Daddy, that's like straight up.  It reminds me of our steps.  

Daddy could you touch the clouds?

At 14,000ft.  I'm so proud of you Daddy, but
 you still got another 400ft to go.  Don't quit now. 

Yeah you made it to the top.  

Enjoy that toot Daddy.  You deserved it.  

Look at that view.  

Daddy could you see our house from up there?

This is neat.  

So is this.  

I had Mommy text this photo of me
to Daddy while he was gone.  
(I had to get a picture of me 
in this post some where)

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