Saturday, September 1, 2012

San Diego Zoo

On Saturday we all went to the world famous San Diego Zoo.  I say if you've seen one zoo you seen them all.  This zoo did have a couple cool things about it.  For one it had a Panda bear.  Panda's are extremely rare, and I guess there are only 12 Pandas in the US, so I may never see a panda again.  

Look how cute this panda is.  This guys name was Gao Gao. 

He looks a little less cute when he is showing his teeth.  

Mommy, me, and the panda. 
(Mommy says please don't judge the way her hair looks
 in this picture, it was very humid!)

I was showing Avery my favorite fish.  

I really like this one.  

Daddy became friends with a 
baby polar bear.  

Polar bear butt.  

I was pretending to be a seal, popping my head through the ice.  

I learned about the serious issue with the polar ice cap melt.
Plus I got to touch Russia.  

Quick photo with a panda.  

Another cool thing about this zoo was the Skyfari Aerial tram.  I got to see a cool aerial view of the zoo.  Daddy was freaking out a little bit, because he thought I was going to jump out.   

You can see how excited I was.  

Goodbye zoo.  

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