Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Today was Halloween or All Hallows' Eve.  Which meant I got to dress up tonight and stay up a little later than usual.  It also marks my introduction to candy.  Honestly I didn't try any candy, but I enjoyed taking it out and putting it back into my pumpkin bag.  I decided to go back to my roots and dress up as an elephant.  For those of you who don't know, my elephant roots stem back to when Mommy and Daddy called me Babar (the elephant) before I was born.  

We went back to the Wash Park street party like last year.  This time I got to walk around and go up to the shops for trick or treating.  I think I know at least three people who thought I was the cutest elephant there.    Last year I went as a lady bug to play off my last name.  What will next year bring.  I also want to note that  Daddy wore the same outfit as last year.  

I look so precious.  


I think I need to get Mommy and Daddy
to dress up next year.  

Have you seen my bag.  A gang of 3 year 
olds stole it (don't worry, they didn't really)!  

Me and Mommy walking in the 
Trick or Treat madness.  

Look it's a Mario.
 (I said this in my best Itialian voice)

On our way home. 

We made some Jack O Lanterns the night before.  Do you want to see them?

Mommy made this sweet Owl for me.  

Me sitting next to my pumpkins.  

Daddy made a mustache in this little pumpkin.  He 
drilled holes into the other side.  

Happy Halloween!

Here is a link to my first Halloween last year.  

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