Monday, October 15, 2012

Sick Time In The Park

So I went to the doctor today for something, but I can't remember what.  All I remember is that the Doctor cleared me of what ever it was, so Daddy and I decided to go down to the park.  Just recently I discovered what leaves where.  Mommy and Daddy told me all about them, how the trees start growing leaves in the spring.  Then the trees are full with green leaves all summer.   Once the weather starts to turn for the winter the leaves start to turn brown and different colors, and shortly fall off the trees.  Then I get to play with them. I like to pick them up one by one and make a little pile out of them.  


I look funny in this photo.  

One..two...three, three leafs.  

We took the long way around the park and ran into this squirrel
Daddy had a stare down with the squirrel.  I think Daddy lost.  

A little walk around the park.  

Playing with some leaves.

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