Sunday, October 13, 2013

Anderson Farms

Today the family piled into the family truckster, and headed north to the pumpkin patch.  Why wouldn't we, it was such a nice day.  I was so excited I didn't want to take a nap that day.  Sloane on the other had slept through most of it.  I think she had a bottle once we got there.  

I climbed to the top of this tire mountain with Mommy.
It was a piece of cake.  

Yeah, I'm the king (rather queen) of the mountain. 

A pony ride was next.  

My pony's name was Kate, and she had purple reins, which
is my favorite color.  Surprisingly I was super excited to ride the 
pony the entire trip.  I didn't get scared one bit.  I guess things like this
come when you are a two year old.   

I loved this pony.  

After the pony ride I got lost in this maze.

I thought this tunnel was the exit.  

We tried this thing, but I didn't understand it. 

I felt like Cinderella in this pumpkin carriage.  

Next stop was the pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins.  

Daddy doubled checked the 
pumpkins we picked out.  

Sloaney was chillin' in her car seat.  

Mommy come with me.  I see the perfect pumpkin this way.  


I took it easy on the way back.  

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