Sunday, October 6, 2013

Harper's Birthday

It was my cousin Harper's birthday party today.  Interestingly enough it coincided with Mommy's birthday, again.  She had a pirate theme.  Ahoy matey.  

Quick photo of Mommy
And Daddy.

Harper had a treasure hunt, which I didn't participate in.  She had a plank to walk off into the cold blue sea, which I didn't jump off of.  Harper even had pirate hats to color, I colored them, but only with the help of Daddy.  

Happy birthday Harper

I had a popsicle. 

While Maida had a black frosted cupcake. 

Then I helped Harper with her presents, after all the excitement 
winded down. 

I don't what was happening, but Maida and I were playing with 
our fairy wands in the office.  Go figure.

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