Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Adventures of Kate - 2014

Kate was never properly introduced last year.   She is our elf who watches over us, and reports back to Santa on us being naughty or nice.  For the most part we were nice.  We did have our days where one of us was naughty.  Some of those days we were both naughty.  There was one day when we were so bad that Kate didn't have enough magic to make it back.  
This was one of the most special Christmas' ever.  

Kate's back!

She was just hanging around the next day.  

She snuck into the cookie jar.  

We found her in a Christmas stocking the next morning.  

Kate was trapped in 
this glass vase.  

Everybody had a hard time 
finding Kate here.  

Kate was reading a story to some of our play friends.  

Brrr!! Kate was cold today.  

Kate getting another eagle 
eye on us.  

We thought she made a great 
Christmas tree topper.  

Kate was filing away paperwork 

Silly Kate, your disguise 
didn't fool us. 

She was pretending to fish here.  

 Looks like she got into a 
little trouble.  

It was a bright idea to sit up 
here to watch over me at nap time. 

Did someone mail Kate in a Christmas card?

She was hanging on for dear life all day.  

She hid herself in my Christmas wreath.

She tied to hide in the blinds, but
Sloane found her right away. She might have "mooned"
our mailman on the other side of the blinds!  

Kate was practicing riding Rudolf.  

Super Kate is here to save Christmas. 

The Lego people were carrying Kate away. 

She made a sleigh for her last ride home of the year. 
See you next year, Kate!

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