Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sledding Time

It was a great day to finally play in the snow.  The ground was white the air was cold, but the sun was shinning down on us keeping us warm.  It was one of Sloaney's first times in the snow, and she loved it for about 45 minutes.  We did make time to go down the street to sled down the park hill a couple times.  It was one of the best days of the long winter months. 

Sloane, can you see the individual snow flakes?

This snow is hard to walk in.  

But, soft to fall in.  

This was one of my greatest adventures
through the Arctic desert.   

It was sledding time after playing in the snow for a little bit. 

The first trip down the hill was with Daddy pulling us.

Sayler tried to pull me up the hill.  We didn't 
get too far.  

Hard time climbing up this hill.  

All the girls.  

Me and Daddy went super fast.  

Sledding magic. 

Me and Sissy sledding down the hill.  

Our second attempt.

Me and Daddy getting a run down the hill.

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